Sunday, November 17, 2013

MY VERY FIRST LUSH HAUL- Is it worth the hype?

So I decided to go ahead and take the plunge. I wanted to see what all the hype was about, LUSH. I had been hearing about this store everywhere and frankly I thought it didn't exist in the Midwest. One day I was just walking about my business at a local mall, and I see the store LUSH. I just had to go in! I was so surprised and overwhelmed with the amazing smell that was outside the store. When I got inside, it smelled like pure heaven. There were so many people inside the store (it was harvest festival day at the mall), and many workers helping everyone out. I was approached by an employee who insisted on having me sit down and she would show me their most popular products. Next thing I know, she comes up to me with a bowl of warm water and some products, and she starts explaining things to me-giving me details on each product she was rubbing on my arm. When she was done, my arm was silky smooth (and trust me this is just godsend for someone with dry skin like me). I was sold on the products she used on me. But I was still a bit iffy on purchasing full size products because of the price. I ended up leaving with a small Solid Lust Perfume since it was only $10.95. When I got home, I couldn't stop thinking about their products. I knew I had to go back and get some more stuff. Its as if I was using my sense of smell for the first time, for my own personal pampering! I ended up going back and getting all of the products you see in my list below. And let me tell you, I am keeping every single one of these products. I am a very critical with any product that I purchase, and would absolutely return it if it wasn't for me. Their products smell amazing and have this sensual aroma about them that I just can't get off my mind. It calms me so much and I cannot wait til they have their December sale so I can stock up on their soaps and gift sets. 
So is LUSH worth the hype? In my opinion, yes. When it comes to pampering yourself, especially if your'e a mom of two little girls, I think you need to take at least one day out of your week and give yourself that "time" that you need. Lush definitely meets my expectations when it comes to pampering myself and I would spend my money on their products to give myself that "me time" that I desperately need. Even though they are a bit on the expensive side, I do feel that other products don't give me that sensual aroma that I need when i'm pampering myself. Lush offers a variety of items with different perfumes/smells that would satisfy every individual out there. I've even gotten my husband into using these products!

Another important fact about this company is that they are Cruelty Free! They fight animal testing all the way, and have been doing it for the past 30 years which is just A+ in my book! Their products are fresh made, and come with a sticker on each product telling us who made the product. They even have a recyclable program where if you return 5 jars/containers, they will give you a fresh mask for free. Did you know their face masks are shipped fresh to Lush stores every week!? You can call your local Lush store to find out what day they deliver their fresh face masks so you can get the most out of it since they do have expiration dates.

Right now Lush has a deal going on where if you purchase $100 worth of products online, you will receive a free $10 e-gift card. I honestly think your'e saving on shipping here and a trip to the store. Its not that great of a deal, but hey as I've heard, Lush barely has sales or deals. This promotion is great for people who know what they want, and want to save themselves a trip to the store.

Now about the products that I personally bought, and have used for the past two weeks...i'll let you know what I loved about each product below. 

  • RUB RUB RUB- 11.8 oz $21.95
This is a scrubby sea salt with mimosa shower wash. I love using this in the shower. After you are done cleansing, you rub this on your skin and rinse off. It leaves your skin amazingly smooth with a lemony blossom scent.
  • Ros Argan Body Conditioner- 7.9 oz $32.95
This product is basically a shower lotion. I use this after my Rub Rub Rub, and lather it all over my body. Leave it on your skin for a minute or so, and then rinse off. This leaves your skin very smooth & conditioned. You don't even have to put lotion on afterwards! This product contains cocoa butter, cupuacu butter, almond oils, and argan oils. It has an amazing luxurious rose petal scent.
  • Karma Kream- 7.9 oz $28.95
This cream is thicker compared to Sympathy for the Skin. It has an overwhelming scent of a calming lotion. (sometimes a little too overwhelming for me). According to the Lush website this product has a spicy, citrusy fragrance and contains hydrating almond oil blends & cocoa butter. This lotion also claims to contain orange oils which brightens your skin tone. I put this on right before I head to bed, to give me that calming feeling so I can have no trouble falling asleep, and trust me it works!
  • Sympathy for the Skin-  8.4 oz $26.95
Now this one I just want to eat. Probably because it actually contains real organic bananas! It smells so amazing and isn't overwhelming. I want to use this all day! It has this banana custard, creamy smell  and is very soothing. This is a great product for dry/chapped skin. There is a hint of sandalwood in this body lotion which I absolutely love!
  • UltraBland- 1.5 oz $16.95
I purchased this product for my extremely dry skin. This seemed like a decent price and Lush advertises this as a makeup remover cream infused with beeswax, essential oils, and honey. It contains rose water and iris flower extract, making it suitable for all skin types. When I was in the Lush store returning "Angels on Bare Skin"- a face cleanser because it caused me to get redness on my face, the employee suggested UltraBland as a facial cleanser. I saw how thick it was and how hydrated it had left my arm. I picked up a sample of this first, and ended up going back to get this container which I still purchased in the smaller size. It is very easy to use. You basically apply this on your face and leave it on for 5 minutes. Then take a wet hot face towel, and wipe it all off. I then just place a thick night cream on my face. This stuff works! I have used this at least 10 times by now, and my dry patches that existed on my face 2 weeks ago are gone!! I am going to buy the full size product when I go back. :)
  • Eau Roma Water- 3.3 fl oz $9.95
This product is a soothing herbal toner which contains rose water, essential oils, and lavendar. It is mainly for mature, sensitive, or dry skin. I liked this product at first, but for some reason I feel like this is drying my skin out. I wanted to like this product but every time I use it, my face feels like its drying out. I have stopped using this for the past week and have already noticed a positive difference. I might return this product if it doesn't work on the second time around.
  • Buffy- (Product price is based on how much you have them cut for you)
This is a body butter exfoliator in a block which smooths and softens rough skin. It eliminates lumps, and bumps and sloughs away dry skin to reveal fresher and brighter skin. Lush says you don't need body lotion afterwards because of all the moisturizing properties (cocoa & shea butter) buffy contains, but I still moisturize. I give this product a thumbs up since it does what it is advertised to do.
  • Putty for the Hands- (Product price based on how much you have them cut for you)
This product has done wonders for my hands! My hands used to have a white area between my thumb and second finger. After using this everyday (a little goes a long way), my white area from the dryness is gone! When I use this on my hands, it places a layer with something SO moisturizing as if it is protecting it from everything it comes in contact with. This product is advertised as a creamy oatmeal hand wash which has no soap in it! It contains creamy oats, soothing marshmallow mucilage and calming oils like lavender, tea tree and chamomile.
  • Massage Bar (Therapy)- 1.8 oz $10.95
I bought this because of the smell. It smelled amazing and provided me great moisture when I rubbed it on my arms. This product contains organic neroli, lavender, cocoa butter and shea butter. My husband loves this stuff when rubbed on his shoulders and back. The bar itself has a circle that is popping out of the bar which provides a great way to relieve stress while massaging.
  • Turkish Smoothie (sample)
I haven't purchased the full size product for this yet. While using the sample, it seemed as if it was crushed soap with an amazing strong rose smell. This is a cleanser, which i'm still debating whether or not to purchase. The best thing about this product is its smell. I just can't get over how good it smells!!
  • Full of Grace face serum (sample)
This product was $14.95 in my store, and the size was very small. I just didn't feel like I was ready to purchase this so I asked for a sample. I have been using this on my face after I cleanse & moisturize. It adds moisture to my dry face. This is a preservative free moisturizing bar and has a very "clean" soapy scent to it. This bar is packed with hydrating tropical butters, calming chamomile, and antioxidant mushroom extract.
  • Lust Soap (sample)
After purchasing the Lust Solid Perfume, I had to try the soap this scent offered. I personally don't like soaps, and prefer a body wash. I have used this 4 times, and although I don't like using a soap bar, I absolutely love the smell. It is just an amazing jasmine smell which no other product has ever offered me! I am definitely stocking up on this if it goes on sale in December.

Overall, I loved mostly all the products I purchased and will go back to try out some new ones. I also want to get some bubble bath stuff and when I do, i'll do another blog post on it. I'm sure it'll end up being another haul. :) Another thing I wanted to mention was that with Rub Rub Rub and Ros Argan, it smells much better when someone else comes out of the shower vs. when you use it on yourself. I have used these products on myself and although it smells amazing, it over comes the whole house when my husband comes out of the shower using these products. It gives you an idea how good you must smell to other people!

Hope you enjoyed my Lush Haul! 

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