Thursday, December 5, 2013


Well, what a morning I had!  I tried to get my hands on this collection and purchase at least one of each lipstick color (Bad Girl Riri & Pleasure Bomb), a bronzing powder (Love, Rihanna), and both of the eyeliners (Cockiness & Pisces Persuasion). I was on their website starting 10:30am CST but I had to run to the bathroom like at 10:55 AM. Who knew they would start their waiting room at 10:57 AM!!! >:( I got in their waiting room at 10:58 AM and was able to purchase some of their items. I know many people weren't even aware that they started their waiting room 3 mins early. Which is why they sell out so quick, and people who expect the release to start at 11 AM CST don't get their items. Heck, I wasn't even able to get all of the items even though I logged into their waiting room a minute late.

The items I was able to purchase are:

Pleasure Bomb Lipstick
Eyeliner in Pisces Persuasion
Bronzing Powder (Love, Rihanna)
(sorry about my phone's reflection!!)

I REALLLLLLLY wanted the rose gold eyeliner called Cockiness, but ah well..! I will be getting myself into the stores first thing in the morning on the day of their store release December 12th, 2013 which is exactly one week from today.

I would suggest calling your stores ahead of time to make sure what time they open to make sure you get the items you want.

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